How to Tell if a Text Message Has Been Read

The acronym "SOS" is used when sending messages via text or internet messaging systems. According to, there are several meanings backside this acronym. The primary significant is "Same sometime stuff." This is a mutual reply to questions such equally "What's happening?" or "Annihilation new these days?" "Someone special" is another meaning for the acronym "SOS." This response would exist used when asked, "Anyone I know?" or "Who are you talking well-nigh?"
If you want to warn someone y'all are texting with that other people tin read what is being sent, you may transport the "SOS" text equally a alarm. In this situation, the acronym means "Someone over shoulder."
Original Significant of 'SOS'
Originally used as an acronym for Morse code from 1910, "SOS" was intended to exist a distress signal. Consisting of 3 long dashes, iii short dashes and then another iii long dashes, this signal was often used over radio airwaves. The acronym "SOS" was officially recognized over other signals that were opted for included "C.Q.D." meaning "come quickly, distress" or "CQ," meaning "come up quickly." The verbal equivalent of the acronym "SOS" is mayday.
Many believe that the original "SOS" distress signal stood for "Save Our Ship" or "Save Our Souls." The truth is that information technology was never meant to be used as an acronym. The Morse Code design was easier for operators of airwave radios to send these signals when working under stressful situations. This internationally recognized code is still used today.
SMS Language Explained
SMS language or curt message service is a blazon of communication used for sending text messages or other advice via the cyberspace. This is an adaption to instant messaging used when the internet and cell phones were get-go introduced. Short bulletin service (SMS) language acronyms are used together to stand for common words or phrases. The apply of the SMS language saves fourth dimension and sometimes serves as coding for secretive exchanges of conversation.
Hindering Language Skills
Educators have noticed that since SMS linguistic communication has become popular, school-age children accept begun having difficulty in the basic concepts of reading and writing skills. The lack of power to grasp proper linguistic communication skills is having an effect in other areas for students, such as standardized test-taking and writing simple essays for their course work. Even college level students are showing weaknesses in this area. While SMS language, more normally known equally "textese," follows urban meanings and understanding, it is interfering with the intended use of common language arts.
Equally the utilise of the messaging systems through cell phones and the internet increase in popularity, the SMS linguistic communication is expanding too. This is causing serious communication gaps between the unlike generations of people.
Other Common SMS Acronyms
The SMS language is filled with acronyms used for communication. Among some of the more than mutual SMS acronyms include the following:
- LOL meaning "Laugh out loud"
- EOM pregnant "Terminate of message"
- EOD meaning "End of give-and-take"
- HF meaning "Accept fun"
- HTH meaning "Hope this helps"
- TTYL meaning "Talk to yous subsequently"
- TYT pregnant "Take your time"
- W00t pregnant "Whoomp, there it is" or "Hooray"
- B4 meaning "Before"
- CUL8r meaning "See y'all later on"
- ROFL means "Rolling on the floor laughing"
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